How to select and crop in inkscape
How to select and crop in inkscape

how to select and crop in inkscape

If you have a Wacom tablet or similar could also just put a ruler over it to guide the eraser in a straight line

how to select and crop in inkscape how to select and crop in inkscape

Good suggestions Mike! Couple of other options and thoughts. But at this point, I'm just too frustrated to see it. I'm sure the answer is really quite simple. It has to be possible to take an SVG from the library, and cut it in half. It doesn't seem to do much of anything when I use it on a complex image. And as far as I can tell, the eraser only works with one shape at a time. But the eraser in Inkscape is a freehand tool, so it's always going to look sloppy. Tech support also suggests using the eraser in Inkscape to remove the part you don't want. But if I remove the clipping, then I have the whole image again, and that's not what I want. Just remove the clipping, and it'll be fine. Sparkol tech support says it's supposed to do that. If you clip an SVG and import it back into VideoScribe, the image is just blank. But it's the same net effect.)īut as of version 3, that doesn't work any more. (I know, I know, you can't "crop" vectors. Export the image from VideoScribe, and use the "clip" tool in Inkscape, kind of like cropping a PNG. (For instance, imagine you've found a nice image of a person in the library, but you only want to show them from the waist up.) I'm trying to do something very simple here: just take an SVG from VideoScribe's image library, and cut it in half.

How to select and crop in inkscape